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Lean Start-Up Workshop

April 18, 2018
Ammeon Learning Centre 25-26 D'Olier Street
Dublin, Ireland

This course is designed for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs (product owners, project managers, marketing and sales). It provides an excellent introduction into Lean and Lean Startup concepts to help you identify wastes and opportunities and to learn when to pivot or persevere using innovation accounting and actionable, accessible and auditable metrics.

It is designed to teach the basics of how you can develop a product or service under conditions of extreme uncertainty. The course combines traditional learning, practical examples and hands-on learning through the Playing Lean game. Through the exercises you’ll gain hands-on experience in establishing a culture of experimentation, using build-measure-learn cycles and adapting dynamically in a competitive environment. It is suitable for individuals as well as small groups.

Who Should Attend

– Entrepreneurs / Startup Owners
– Product Owners
– Project Managers
– Business Owners
– Chief Innovation Officers
– Marketers
– Heads of Development