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ESRI-UCC Energy Research Workshop – National Energy & Climate Policy

May 17, 2018
ESRI Whitaker Square, Sir John Rogerson’s Quay
Dublin, Ireland

Ireland is not on track to meet mandatory 2020 targets for GHG emissions reduction or for renewable energy. In addition, Ireland is facing more ambitious targets for 2030 in line with national ambition to transition to a low carbon economy by 2050.

This morning event will focus on a number of key short, medium and long term topics that will address these challenges and inform Ireland’s forthcoming National Energy and Climate Plan. Among the topics discussed are the choices citizens make on home heating, the future of renewable gas and renewable diesel, the potential contribution of power to gas, public acceptance of different forms of electricity generation, the ability of the Irish grid to cope with increasing levels of variable renewable energy and the role of carbon capture and storage and negative emissions technologies in meeting emissions reduction ambitions.

The event will close by exploring the question of whether carbon taxes should be extended to meat and milk. This conference will showcase the findings a number of collaborative research projects between UCC and the ESRI, undertaken within the national MaREI Centre, funded by SFI and a number of industry partners and Governmental Departments.

Session 1: Home Heating, Fuelling Transport and Power to Gas

– Determinants of residential heating system choice: an analysis of Irish households – John Curtis, Daire McCoy, Claudia Aravena
– Meeting Ireland’s 2030 targets – comparing renewable gas and renewable diesel with electrification – Brian Ó Gallachóir, Eamonn Mulholland
– Power to Gas – levelised costs, market interactions and carbon intensity – Shane McDonagh, Jerry Murphy
– The role of power-to-gas in the future energy system: how much is needed and who wants to invest? – Valentin Bertsch, Muireann Lynch, Mel Devine

Session 2: Future of electricity, carbon dioxide removal and carbon tax for agriculture

– Can the Irish Electric Grid Cope with Possible Medium-term Evolutions of RES Power Generation Expansions? – Desta Fitiwi, Valentin Bertsch
– 2C or not 2C, carbon dioxide removal, carbon capture and storage and direct air capture – James Glynn
– A multi-national examination of public acceptance of future electricity generation mixes – Jason Harold, Valentin Bertsch
– Should we put a carbon tax on meat and milk in Ireland? – Paul Deane