The energy system in Ireland and globally is undergoing a transformation as it becomes decarbonised and increasingly integrated across sectors and markets. This workshop presents recent research carried out by UCD Energy Institute and the ESRI in relevant policy areas relating to future electric power systems, sustainable energy communities, new energy technologies, residential energy efficiency, and energy markets. It should prove useful to those involved in the energy sector from government, industry and academia dealing with the challenges of the future energy system.
Preliminary Programme
08.30 Registration and Tea/Coffee
09.00 Welcome Address
09.30 Session 1: Energy System and Market Challenges
Chair: Una Nic Giolla Choille (Department of Communications,Climate Action and Environment)
- Muireann Lynch: Re-evaluating Irish energy policy in light of Brexit
- Eoin Casey: Water-energy nexus: opportunities and challenges for systems integration
- Mel Devine, Conor Sweeney, Andrew Parnell & Valentin Bertsch: The value of demand response
- Petr Spodniak & Valentin Bertsch: Determinants of power spreads in liberalised electricity markets
11.00 Tea/Coffee Break
11.30 Session 2: Transforming Residential and Community Energy
Chair: Marian Troy (SSE Ireland)
- Lisa Ryan, Linda Mastrandrea & Petr Spodniak: Using residential electricity tariff structures to decarbonise the energy system
- Sarah La Monaca & Lisa Ryan: Solar PV where the sun doesn’t shine – Estimating the economic impacts of support schemes for residential PV in Ireland
- Paul Beagon & James O’Donnell: Gas consumption in social housing: deep retrofit impacts by metered data
- Orla Nic Suibhne: Sustainable Energy Communities in Ireland: Lessons learnt from European Best Practice Models
13.00 Closing and Lunch